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(Selections from) My Bookshelf

Memoirs and Life Writing

An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness, by Kay Redfield Jamison

Darkness Visible, by William Styron

Furiously Happy, by Jenny Lawson

In Brief: Short Takes on the Personal, edited by Judith Kitchen & Mary Paumier Jones

Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So, by Mark Vonnegut

Let's Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir, by Jenny Lawson

Lit, by Mary Karr

Looking for Mary, by Beverly Donofrio

Love, Ellen, by Betty DeGeneres

Moonwalking with Einstein, by Joshua Foer

On Writing, by Stephen King

Perfection, by Julie Metz

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard

Raising My Rainbow, by Lori Duron

The Cloister Walk, by Kathleen Norris

The Eden Express, by Mark Vonnegut

The Liars' Club, by Mary Karr

The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion


100 Successful College Application Essays, by The Harvard Independent

Handling the Truth, by Beth Kephart

How to Write Short, by Roy Peter Clark

Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir, edited by William Zinsser

On Writing, by William Zinsser

Story Genius, by Lisa Cron

The Art of Memoir, by Mary Karr

The Art of the Personal Essay, by Phillip Lopate

The Artful Edit, by Susan Bell

The Right to Write, by Julia Cameron

Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg

Writing Matters, by Peter G. Beidler

(American) English Language, Grammar, Mechanics, Usage, Etc.

Abused, Confused, and Misused Words, by Mary Embree

Bright's Old English Grammar & Reader, 3rd ed., by F.. Cassidy and Richard Ringler

Fluent Forever, by Gabriel Wyner

Lapsing into a Comma, by Bill Walsh

Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21,730 Pages, by Ammon Shea

Roget's Super Thesaurus

The Grammar Devotional, by Mignon Fogarty

The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate

The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference for Editors, Writers, and Proofreaders

The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage

Things That Make Us [Sic], by Martha Brockenbrough

Word Origins and How We Know Them: Etymology for Everyone, by Anatoly Liberman

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